John Archives - Daily Christian Way Finding Jesus in Every Day Mon, 22 Jan 2024 22:23:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 John Archives - Daily Christian Way 32 32 In the Beginning Was the Word Mon, 22 Jan 2024 22:22:05 +0000 A New Hymn for John 1:1 (Verse 1)In the beginning was the Word,Eternal, holy, and divine.With God, He was, the scripture heard,In Him, God’s glory did shine. (Chorus)The Word was God, in Him we trust,In Him, creation found its birth.Through Him, all things from dust to dust,In Him, heaven meets the earth. (Verse 2)He was […]

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A New Hymn for John 1:1

(Verse 1)
In the beginning was the Word,
Eternal, holy, and divine.
With God, He was, the scripture heard,
In Him, God’s glory did shine.

The Word was God, in Him we trust,
In Him, creation found its birth.
Through Him, all things from dust to dust,
In Him, heaven meets the earth.

(Verse 2)
He was with God at the start,
A mystery deep and profound.
The Word, a light that won’t depart,
In Him, true life is found.

The Word was God, the truth, the way,
In Him, the light breaks the night.
He guides us on, come what may,
In Him, we walk by faith, not sight.

Through Him all things were made and stand,
His power none can comprehend.
In every age, in every land,
His love and grace know no end.

(Verse 3)
And the Word became flesh to dwell,
Among us, full of grace and truth.
In Him, God’s story to tell,
Eternal life for all, forsooth.

The Word was God, our hope and peace,
In Him, redemption’s song we sing.
Through Him, our hearts find sweet release,
In Him, our Savior, Lord, and King.

In the beginning was the Word,
The Alpha and Omega’s call.
Forever shall His truth be heard,
The Word was God, in Him, our all.

The post In the Beginning Was the Word appeared first on Daily Christian Way.
