Be Kind and Compassionate

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32 NIV

It is probably no surprise that this verse was chosen for Election Day in the United States. Election Day, or not, we all need to be kind and compassionate to one another. It is the Golden Rule after all.

We head out to the polls and we each have our own opinions. We vote how we vote, then we move on down the road. No matter what tomorrow brings, we always have God at the head of our hearts, country, family, and lives. If we do that, then we are fine.

Thankfully God has forgiven us. I believe America has much to forgive. We, as a country, make mistakes every day. This is no different for each of us individually. Jesus has died and risen, so that we do not have to bear this sin. God forgave us through Jesus.

Whether it is Election Day, or any other day of the year, we are to be kind and compassionate to one another. The second piece here is to forgive each other. When mistakes are made, forgive each other. When we wrong someone, or when we are wronged, forgive each other. Why? Because “in Christ God forgave you.” This is enough.

Dear God, I pray you will forgive Americans and our sins. I pray you will forgive our country. Let us look to you and know your will. Let us put you first. Let us understand truth. Give us wisdom, mercy, grace, and blessing. Amen.



